The stage fright generated by starting any activity diminishes with each breath, with each step forward, moving forward without fear of the final result. I really don't know at what moment it all started. Possibly when past activities and experiences began to relate suspiciously, so suspiciously that they brought me here. I am writing these words for you, embarking on this path in which I hope to teach you and learn a lot from you.
You could say it's about synchronicity, about being willing to listen to the universe's messages. Although more than coincidences, I think it is about being present at the moment and observing with attention to detail. The little everyday things surrounding us usually show their charm when we watch them for more than a few moments. When they cease to be ordinary and boring and are transformed into realities full of meaning and content.
At the moment in which the attention comes into contact with those impulses of creativity inherent to the human being is when the magic happens. This magic that we all have is the substance of art. Because that is how it is, art happens as if by magic. When we manage to connect with the creative energy, magical things happen. The neuronal connections of our brain begin to have fun and come out with the best ideas, those that can take us to many places. Perhaps to fulfill our dreams, reconcile us with our inner child, and reconnect us with our imagination. We just have to remain attentive for all this to happen because the language of art is an experience of all our senses.