During exploration and play, especially during play (and also in fun), new and even inexplicable things arise for a"rational" human being. He panics and feels ashamed the instant he connects with the creative energy. That energy that he does not understand and does not know where it comes from leads him to think or do things that only a child would do. So that "rational" thinking, which tries to explain and judge what we do when we are possessed by the creative energy, is the main culprit that keeps everything in ideas, simple ideas that we never really materialize. Because they are too silly, impossible, and improbable to the adult eyes of reason. And there remain all our dreams and the most joyful and authentic part of life.
I'm not going to lie. The first direct encounters with creativity are scary. Because they mean facing all our desires, especially those repressed for so long. Being considered crazy, crazy, and incompatible with our current lifestyle. But whose voice is this that judges us, telling us what is right and wrong?
That voice has many names, different ages, and personalities. It is often ours, and we have nurtured it for so many years that it is almost impossible not to hear it. It is there all the time. Forcing us to behave "as we should", "act normal", and not express ourselves as we want to. This inevitably leads us to live a boring life (how horrible that sounds), where everything is normal, and nothing is strange, exciting, or new.
What would you allow yourself to do if you had the opportunity to pause that voice, at least for a few minutes?